User Reviews: Blog Inc

These are some user reviews  Blog Inc:


5.0 out of 5 stars Credible, helpful resource for new and seasoned bloggers!, September 21, 2012
Bridget Forney – See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community (Paperback)

I thought that Blog, Inc. was going to be a self-promotional book about Joy’s blog mostly, like you see so many bloggers do these days. I could not have been more wrong. I was a skeptic and found that this book is actually an extremely credible, accurate and helpful resource for anyone trying to break into the blogging community, or for bloggers who have been in the blogging ecosystem for years. I have been a (mostly) silent, but ever-fascinated, observer of the blogging community at large. I have started and stopped blogs of my own but will be reinvigorating a new blogging venture in the coming weeks and was curious about this book.

This book not only provides personal interviews with some of the most successful bloggers on the Internet today, but it also offers helpful tips that will either spark an idea for a blog post or spark some further thinking on something you may have thought about before but never fully explored. If nothing else, reading this book will fill you with a new desire to better commit to the blog you started out of love in the first place!

I was expecting a book that wouldn’t tell me anything I didn’t know already. What I got was a book that gave me a fresh perspective on some of the things I thought I already knew. Knowing that Joy is a hugely successful blogger, her years of experience and successes only add to the credibility of each page. I am enjoying this and thrill myself everytime I write a note in the margins for a blog post idea…which is about every page.

Highly recommend.

(Disclosure: I was not paid or compensated in any way to write this review and I purchased the book myself through


Re-energized about blogging after reading!,October 1, 2012

CCallahan – See all my reviews
This review is from: Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community (Paperback)

As a small business owner of a stationery and invitations company, I struggle to keep up with my blog and wonder if I am really reaching my customers through this medium. Joy’s book, Blog Inc., provided me with tips and easy-to-follow steps to re-energize my blog with more personal information showing readers a “behind the scenes” sneak peek at my work and daily life. I learned blogging and traffic basics, when and how to reach out to sponsors and how to connect in the blogging community. The stories from successful bloggers were inspirational and it is good to know that they too started off with zero comments on their blog.

A highly-informative, quick read for anyone interested in the wonderful world of blogging for their business or personal use!


5.0 out of 5 stars Everything you need to know, June 30, 2013
Terri Holzhauer – See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community (Kindle Edition)

I have read Blog, Inc. TWICE! The first time I read straight through. The second time I took notes! Blog, Inc. answered most of the questions that I’ve had about blogging ever since i started. Answered the whys, hows, and more. If you blog, or plan to blog, save yourself lots of time spent on trial and error. Read Blog, Inc.

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