User Reviews : WordPress To Go

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5.0 out of 5 stars A Great No-Frills Introduction To WordPress – Perfect For Any Newb, March 27, 2012
Matthew D. Brown
This review is from: WordPress To Go – How To Build A WordPress Website On Your Own Domain, From Scratch, Even If You Are A Complete Beginner (Kindle Edition)

I use WordPress almost daily.

All of my websites are built using WordPress, I have built the overwhelming majority of my freelance clients websites over the years with WordPress, and at my day job I am the principal web person responsible for more than 30 company websites (more than 90% I have built with WordPress) – so I grabbed this book just out of sheer curiosity – and as a guide for bringing a beginner up-to-speed on managing a website built with WordPress, it is great.

I use this book to help get the interns and content writers/managers who work under me at my day job acclimated to WordPress so that they are able to take the sites I have built and use them without hesitation or mistake. None have complained, and now use the basic functions of WordPress like old pros.

Now, if you are looking for a guide that will help you do things like create custom themes using your own HTML/PHP/CSS code, or integrate some features and functions that are not available strictly through the “intended” usage of WordPress and various plugins, then no, this book is not for you (you will need one – or several – far more advanced and expensive guides) – but if you are just getting started with WordPress and want to bring yourself up to speed on using it quickly and efficiently, then I highly recommend that this be your first resource.


3.0 out of 5 stars Good Intro, May 14, 2012
This review is from: WordPress To Go – How To Build A WordPress Website On Your Own Domain, From Scratch, Even If You Are A Complete Beginner (Kindle Edition)

This book is a good introduction to WordPress. Very clear and easy to follow. Though, it only gets 3 stars, simply based on it is more of a “primer”. It leaves the reader with too many questions within a CMS that is much more capable than what this manuscript shows. Other books are much more well rounded on the subject and detailed. I commend the author and would like to see her produce a more in depth guide in the future as her style will appeal to the less technical and less knowledgeable. The material is up-to-date with the current line of WordPress.


5.0 out of 5 stars Buy this book!, September 7, 2013
Karen Christino (Brooklyn, New York) – See all my reviews
This review is from: WordPress To Go: How To Build A WordPress Website On Your Own Domain, From Scratch, Even If You Are A Complete Beginner (Paperback)

I knew next to nothing about WordPress, but with WordPress To Go I’m already getting compliments on my new website. Five years ago I hired a designer who put up my website on an imitation WordPress platform. I was frustrated by her lack of communication and inability to show me the basics of the program. Long story short, she overlooked me when changing hosts and so pulled the plug on my site! Enter Sarah McHarry and WordPress To Go. I am now in control, understand how WordPress works, and have great satisfaction that I’m no longer dependent on a difficult personality — besides saving money! If you can follow instructions, this book will take you step-by-step to success. As much as the high-priced techies would like to convince you otherwise, it’s not rocket science. Go for it!

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